Summary: The Modern United States Border Patrol

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The Modern United States Border Patrol "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door” "quote from the Statue of Liberty”. This quote has been greeting immigrants from other countries since October 28, 1886. The Statue of Liberty, along with quotes like this one were just another way for the United States to show it’s “open arms” towards all who seek freedom from oppression and give them a place that they may prosper. With all these promises and hopes on the line, masses flocked by the thousands to our shores, so many, that eventually our borders had to start limiting those…show more content…
Shortly after the turn of the century, a small group of mounted inspectors located their operational headquarters in El Paso, Texas. These Inspectors, later known as border-mounted guards, patrolled the Mexican border near El Paso. Their mission was to curb the flow of Chinese aliens entering illegally to work on railroad expansion projects. The operational area was later extended to include New Mexico and Arizona. The El Paso Border Patrol Sector was created on July 1, 1924 by the authority of the Immigration Act as approved by Congress on May 28, 1924. The Act established the Border Patrol as a uniformed law enforcement agency of the Immigration Bureau. Since that time, the border patrol has continued to grow and develop new strategies to help limit the amount of traffic crossing our…show more content…
In the past four years, over 34,000 people have been murdered, during their new president’s war on drugs. Both Mexican and American officials say the two countries have never worked closer in fighting crime, are facing growing pressure to prove that their strategy is working, but, as stated before the problem is still spilling over the border and is becoming a source of mounting concern in our states in our Southwestern region. There has even been some evidence found, that bounties have been placed on the heads of agents in the United States Border Patrol. The Department of Homeland Security has issued, a warning to law enforcement officers in west Texas, due to retaliatory killings by Mexican gangs. The agency has even suggested that agents’ change their routes and wear body armor while on duty. In turn, these threats tend to leave border patrollers weary and looking over their shoulders at all times and have made it more difficult in the area of recruiting. A lack of new recruits could possibly be just one of many problems facing the border patrol in the near

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