Summary Of Zinn Chapter 12 Empire Of The People

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Essay: Zinn Chapter 12 Empire of the People In the 20th century the United States was looking to expand. Which it would help shape America, it was President Roosevelt and Captain Mahan that wanted expansion. They used propaganda to gained other powerful leaders within the United States. Farmers were demanding for an expansion in the United States. So many manufactured goods were being produced in America, they needed foreign markets and trade became prominent. American became one the largest trading companies in 1893 America became greatly interested in helping Cuba as an appeal of expansion during the reign of Cleveland and McKinley as presidents. Cuba was at a revolt against the Spaniards for independence during the time. Americans gave Cuba popular support because they were fighting for liberation. There was fear that Cuba might turn into a black republic similar to Haiti. The U.S. battleship Maine, a representation of the interest in Cuba, was destroyed by an unknown explosion. The United States blamed Spain for the explosion, but it was faulty wiring. Congress voted to go to war and sent troops and after a long battle, Cuba became a part of America. The U.S. looks to the Philippines to be a bridge to trade…show more content…
will do with Cuba and the Philippines. American public opinion had got angry because reports of Spanish evil acts in Cuba. Once the sinking of the USS Maine in Havana harbor, political pressures from the Democratic Party pushed the administration of Republican President William McKinley into a war he had wanted to avoid. United States sent troops to Spain demanding it immediately surrender control of Cuba, but Spanish rejected. When the government intervened in Cuba to hold American interests, it held the millions of dollars invested there. It was this idea that was presented and accepted by the American public, but was not accepted so lightly by the Filipino
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