How Did the Foriegn Policy Embrace Imperialism in the Late 1800s

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Tiara Williams January 3, 2013 Period 7 American imperialism in the late 1800’s was a break in American foreign policy. America has always wanted to expand the country. In the 1800’s, many people thought that America should join countries such as England and set up colonies overseas. Imperialism is when a bigger, stronger country wants to control other smaller and weaker territories. At that time, imperialism was a trend around the world. America became an imperialist nation because of economic reasons, military interest, and cultural superiority. Foreign policy experts insisted that U.S leaders should set up a military presence out of the country. Hawaii’s Pearl Harbor became the naval base for the United States. It was a refueling station for American military and merchant ships headed to Asia. This was one of the reasons that Hawaii was annexed into the United States. The other reason was for economic reasons. Since America itself begin in revolt against an imperial power, many Americans were critical of the idea of building an American empire overseas. Expansionism, however, had long been a part of American policies. Fueled by a belief in it manifest destiny. Manifest destiny is a belief that American possessed a god-given right to rule North America. Throughout the 1800s American settlers expanded westward towards California. But as the 1800s came to a close, American expansion had reached all the way to the pacific and had nowhere else to go on the American mainland. Over the course of the late 1800’s, economic expansionism became part of the American experience. There were new levels of industrial productivity, which created surpluses. U.S business began to export goods to foreign trade markets and developed foreign trade that was central to the country’s economic health and prosperity. The desire for new economic
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