American Imperialism In The Nineteenth Century

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American Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century As a growing nation, the United States felt the need to continue expansion for the benefit of all citizens. Territorial development allows for growth in population and natural resources to produce goods and supply services for prosperity. To acquire or control territories, forcible means would sometimes be used, otherwise known as imperialism. This paper will describe imperialism more intently. Advantages of imperialism will be discussed, as well as some of the disadvantages. Technology also played and key role in imperialism and will also be talked about in this paper. In conclusion, the paper will reiterate the perception of necessity for growth in the nation during this time. The description of imperialism in traditional usage is “the forcible extension of governmental control over foreign areas not designated for incorporation as integral parts of the nation” (Healy, 2008). More specifically, imperialism is the use of powerful national influence to impose its position over another society to acquire control of territory, government, and economy. Most often this process is by conquest, but can also be reached in agreement of purchase or an agreement of economic benefit to both societies. The biggest advantage for imperialism is the economic benefits. This was no different in the 1890’s and the country’s aggressive expansion policies. Other major objectives at this time were political, economic, and military control of beneficial societies. From previous years, the imperialistic mentality had died as an issue and had received little support from citizens of the United States. However, with the “rapid industrialization and soaring productivity of the national economy,” the country was in a position to become the leading industrial powerhouse by the year 1900 (Healy, 2008). Americans began to feel wealth and

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