Sub-Saharan Africa

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Between 1500-1800 C.E. Sub-Saharan Africa experienced changes and continuity as they began to go further with their foreign relations. Culturally, Africa began to form syncretic cults that had Christian teachings and African traditions. Slavery continued to be one of Africa's main way of showing economic wealth. Africa experienced growth and change in their political organization and the rise and fall of kingdoms and states Before the syncretic cults, Africa's old traditions and beliefs surrounded deities, idols, and multiple gods. These god symbolized the world around them. Then, when Christianity and Islam came over to Sub-Saharan Africa, there was intermixing with the traditions and foreign religions. Christianity became popular with…show more content…
These villages grew into districts and states. Some of these states stayed small, not growing any bigger. However, there were few that grew with the help of the trade they had with the resources found near them. This gave the states wealth. With the right ruler, who had ambition and had order, these states were able to grow in kingdoms such Ghana, Kongo, and Mali. After the fall of Mali, the Songhay Empire became the dominant power of Africa. It was in power for awhile until they were attacked by Moroccan soldiers. When the empire fell, city-states and small kingdoms grew. There was also the Kingdom of Kongo. The kingdom formed near the Congo (Zaire) River. It was one of the Congolese states. It was very active in trade, which helped the kingdom become wealthy and prosperous. However, a small fleet of Portuguese men sailed to the Kingdom of Kongo. Portuguese held relations with the kingdom. They began getting more invested to the kingdom and went to war with the Kongo. The Kongo could not fight back the Portuguese forces. When the Portuguese left, the Kongo was disintegrated. These kingdoms and states fell because of the foreign influence they had
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