Stuck in Traffic

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ITHOUGHT PATTERNS FOR A SUCCESSFUL CAREER® PX2® HIGHER EDUCATION UNIT 4 My Brain’s Filter System This worksheet consists of two scenarios. Answer each scenario below with 3-5 complete sentences. Upload the completed assignment to the Dropbox by the end of the week. Exercise: Stuck in Traffic Have you ever been stuck in traffic on a freeway or turnpike? Suppose you are on a crowded expressway on your way to meet with your boss and your most important client to close a big deal. It’s 10:45 AM, and you’re one hour away from the restaurant meeting place. It’s raining, and the sky is dark. All of a sudden the traffic gridlocks. There’s been an accident. Up ahead a tanker lies on its side across three lanes. From the ruptured tank, oil gushes all over the pavement. In the middle lane where you are, you’re surrounded by idling cars and trucks. There’s a divider wall on the left, and the shoulder on the right is crammed with emergency vehicles. Would you make it to your appointment? I don’t see how I would be able to make the appointment. I would call and apologize for the delay, explain what has happened, and try to reschedule. I don’t see any other option. Now we’ll alter the scenario somewhat. What if I told you that at that meeting your boss had a cashier’s check for one million dollars, in your name, provided you arrive in time for the meeting. The check will be torn up at noon, so you have one hour and 15 minutes to get there. Can you do it? Can you? How might you do it? I sure would try. I would walk pass the accident. And hopefully flag down a cab, or call a cab in advance and tell him to meet me at a set destination. Walk to that destination and BOOM----1 million dollars. The point of all this is that when a desired goal is of sufficient personal value, the resources and action required to reach that goal

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