Streetcar Named Desire Play And Movie Analysis

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Streetcar Named Desire: Comparison between the play and movie The main difference between the play and the movie occurs in scene 5. In the movie, Blanche is flirting with the young man who comes to collect money for the newspaper. Blanche checks her purse for money but doesn’t have any. Every time the boy tries to leave Blanche comes up with a new excuse to make him stay longer. At the end of the scene, Blanche moves in on the boy and kisses him, and without waiting for his response, she tells him that he should be on his way now. In the play, when Blanche approaches the young boy, he becomes nervous and is a little shocked. The stage directions for the play indicates, “The young man clears his throat and looks yearningly at the door” (Williams…show more content…
In the movie, this is not true. The boy also moves towards Blanche and they meet in the middle of the room. In the play, when Blanche moves in for the kiss, the stage directions indicate, “Without waiting for him to accept, she crosses quickly to him and presses her lips to him” (Williams 84). This makes it sound like the boy isn’t interested in Blanche and she comes on to him without his approval. While in the movie, the boy doesn’t resist her kiss and moves into the kiss and doesn’t try to stop. Another difference is when Blanche is asking the boy about what kind of soda he had. In the play, the boy answers with no interest and excitement and you get the feeling that he doesn’t want to be there. In the movie however, when Blanche asks him what kind of soda he had, he answers with more enthusiasm. Also, when Blanche says Cherry with excitement, he replies back with excitement as well. The change of theme can get confusing if you know the play and the movie. It is clear that the young man enjoys his fate in the movie while in the play he is nervous and uneasy. This contributes to Blanches character in the play and the movie. The fact that in the movie the boy doesn’t resist and rather enjoys his encounter with
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