Great Expectation Film Vs Novel

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The story of Great Expectations is of a boy who is given a great sum of money to make him a more successful individual. The film, directed by Alfonso Cuaron, was an effective adaptation of the novel, written by Charles Dickens. The film was able to stay true to the plot and morals of the novel and was made more contemporary, so that today’s audience could relate to it, without taking away from the ideas of the literature. Although some character’s names were changed in the film, their characteristics held true to the ones present in the reading. Alfonso Cuaron did an excellent job at keeping the storyline true to the text. When creating a film based on a book, it is important not to sway too much from the novel. All of the values, in some form or another, can be found within the film. Cuaron kept Dickens ideas in mind and didn’t blow the film out of proportion. Pips expectations in the novel mirror Finn’s expectations in the adaptation. In both, the boy expects Estella to be his lover. Estella deceives him, and it isn’t until later in the story that he realizes she never intended for them to be companions. In the novel Pip expects Ms. Havisham is his benefactor, and in the film Finn expects Ms. Dinsmoor to be his supporter. Again, the boy’s expectations are broken when he recognizes that she was not truly his benefactor. Another aspect of the storyline that was held true was when Pip meets the convict in the graveyard, and Finn meets the convict at the shore. In both scenarios the convict asks for the boys’ aid, and pleads with him to bring a file and something to drink. Although the place in which the situation occurred varies, it does not affect the outcome of the novel. The film does a good job at updating the novel while still staying true to the text. The things that interested people a hundred years ago do not interest people today, as much as up-to-date
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