Statutory Responsibilities and Rights of Employees and Employers

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1.1 List the aspects of employment covered by law. The aspects of employment covered by law are as follows: • Health and Safety at work Act 1974 - This act is to ensure that the employer has things in place to protect their employees from any risk or dangers which may occur in the work place. The employee on the other hand has to ensure they that they avoid taking any unnecessary risks by using protective clothing or equipment provided for the job and also follow instructions and guidelines as well as any training given • The Equality Act 2010: This act provides a legal/legislative framework to protect the rights of an individual. It replaces previous anti-discrimination laws by a single act. • The Disability Discrimination Act: This Act is to protect people with a disability and ensure that they aren’t discriminated against because of their disability. • Data Protection Act: This act covers the confidentially of information of an individual being held by an organisation ie the storage, retrieval, and handling of verbal, written and electronic information to protect the rights of the individual. • Access to Personal Files Act: This act gives an individual the right to see certain personal information being held on them such as health records, medical records, social services records, credit records etc. The following are some other aspects of employment also covered by law • Sex Discrimination Act • The Children’s Act • Minimum Wage Act • Working hours Act • Holiday Entitlement • Redundancy and Dismissal • Right to Training • Disciplinary procedures • Union Rights and Consultation • Manual Handling Operations and Regulations • The Medicine Act • General Social Care Council Code 1.2 List the main features of current employment legislation. • Employment rights Act 1996 • Equal pay Act-1975 • Sex discrimination Act-1975 • Racial
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