MU24 contribute to children and young people’s health and safety Outcome 1- Know the health and safety policies and procedures of the work setting 1. Outline the health and safety policies and procedures of the work setting There is an act put under place by the law which is the health and safety act 1974. This is put into place to ensure that your workplace is a safe place to work. Every work setting should have health and safety policies. These should be kept safe and be placed were everyone can see them.
CU2267 Promote and Implement Health and Safety in Health and Social Care 1.1 The Health and Safety at work act 1974 is the primary piece of legislation 1.2 covering occupational Health and Safety. Under this act, the employer, the workers and individuals being supported have responsibilities to ensure the main premises. Other key pieces of legislation are; Management of health and safety work regulations 1992. Control of substances hazardous to health regulations (COSHH). Manual handling regulations 1992 and reporting injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations 1985 (RIDDOR).
All employees must inform mangement of any training needs they may have in relation/line with the health and safety at work act. All individuals in the workplace must conribute to their own safety at work by risk assessing any task or situation, and always ensuring that everyone around them will remain safe and free from harm or potential risks. Outline your employer’s responsibilities to comply with this act. To ensure all staff are adequately trained to ensure every person has a level of health and safety competence that is appropriate to their role.Ensure risk assessments are completed regularly and any actions that may arise are dealt with accordingly.Be proactive to ensure the safety and welfare of all employees,residents,visitors and contractors is maintained continually.Ensure that all legal responsibilities in regards to reporting and investigating incidents and accidents are complied with a prompt action taken when required to
1.3 A). Social care workers main responsibilities are to ensure the employer knows about any health and safety concerns, to take reasonable care not to put others at any risk, to cooperate with any employers, to follow companies health and safety procedures, to report and injury’s, strains or illness and inform employer anyone’s ability to work (to ensure rest breaks throughout the day). B). the employer or manager is responsible to ensure the work place is safe and prevent any risks to health, ensuring all materials are stored, handled and used safely, providing first aid facilities and equipment, informing employers about any potential hazard and risks setting up emergency plans, creating and adjusting risk assessment’s as necessary as needed them, provide supervisions and support when needed, provide protective equipment i.e. gloves, mask, ensuring safety signs are in right locations and safety certificates are up to date, reporting of accidents and dangerous occurrences.
Employers should have accessible (easily located, understandable, straight forward and manageable) infection prevention and control procedures that ensure a safe environment and safe working practices. They should also have a system for ensuring that we understand and follow those procedures. Failure of our employer to minimise the risk of infection and to protect we, our colleagues, individuals we support and there family and friends against infectious disease constitute neglect. Employers have a responsibility to regularly produce infection prevention and control reports describing: •Policies and procedures that are in place and how they are monitored
The act requires Carers to : - Take reasonable care for their own safety and that of others. - Cooperate with the employer in respect of Health and Safety matters .Not intentionally damage any Health and safety equipment or materials provided by the employer - Attend training provided by the employer - Use protective equipment provide by the employer In respect of the prevention of infection you must think about the prevention and control for you and others around you. Basic controls are: - Dispose of waste correctly - Wash hands when appropriate - Keep equipment clean - Remain vigilant and report potential hazards
This act places overall responsibility for health and safety with the employer but also duties on employees, so everyone in a setting has some responsibility for the health and safety of anyone who is there. The act covers the conditions in which places of work must be kept- Buildings should be well maintained and designed with the safety of the users in mind The general environment should be clean and safe Equipment must be safely used and stored Working practice must promote the health and safety of children All employees should be aware of the written statement of safety policy that is required under the act. The act also provides for the protection of employees: The workplace should be safe and not pose a risk to employees’ health Safe systems of working should be in place Articles and substances should be stored and used safely Adequate welfare facilities should be available Appropriate
Adequate welfare provisions for staff at work. Safe use, handling and storage of dangerous substances. Maintenance of safe access to the work place. 2.1 Describe the main points of the health and safety policies and procedures agreed with the employer. The health and safety at work act 1974 is the main piece of legislation that covers work related health and safety in the workplace.
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) 1998’ Explain the main points of health and safety policies and procedures agreed with the employer The main Health and safety policies and procedures with my employer are that the employer will carry out risk assessments to make sure there are no health and safety issues in the work place to protect us and to have a duty of care to others, to provide a safe and healthy place to work, to keep temperatures at a safe level to protect staff and residents, to keep equipment safe, make sure the work places are well ventilated, to make sure we have windows that can open and close, and to protect people from falls etc. Analyse the main health and safety responsibilities of self: My main health and safety responsibilities in work would be to follow the training that I have been given, to co-operate on my manager’s health and safety rules and to take reasonable care of your own and other people’s health and safety. The employer or manager: The employer has a responsibility to follow the regulation which is known as the ‘Health and Safety at Work Act 1974’. This is
To co-operate with the employer on matters of health and safety and follow work procedures correctly using and not misusing or interfering with anything provided for health and safety or welfare. To take part in all health and safety training; to report any potential hazards and risks; Understand and comply with health and safety procedures and report any accident or incident that may occur and to work in a safe manor. The employer/manager should ensure so far as it is reasonably practicable the health and safety and welfare of all employees