Statistics Reflection Essay

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I started my first statistics class six weeks ago, and I had limited knowledge of the subject. My academic advisor informed me that I had to take statistics and, I made every effort to avoid taking the class. Furthermore, thought I want to further my nursing career, I am never going to use statistics again. Fortunately, I quickly realized that I was wrong and, ignorance is the reason I feared this class. In this paper, I will reflect on what I hoped to achieve in this class, specific skills that I can apply in nursing as well as skills that require improvement. Furthermore, I will explain how I am now able to evaluate and apply statistical information in everyday life. Prior to starting the statistics class, my goal was really just to pass the class. I read some sections a few days before class started and was found myself motivated to succeed. The keys to success in your course include approaching the material with an open and optimistic frame of mind, paying close attention to how useful and enjoyable statistics can be in your life, and studying effectively and efficiently (Bennett, Briggs, & Triola, 2009, p. xiii). In the class café, I hoped to understand as well as like statistics. My instructor provided beneficial guidance; however, could not promise that I would like statistics. Fortunately, I am able to say that I did achieve both of my goals. In addition, my new goal is to apply statistical information in everyday life as well as educate others in my life. Statistical research has played a crucial role in all areas of nursing practice and healthcare. Therefore, it is essential that nurses become more involved in the research process to understand and implement research-based practice. I have learned useful knowledge together with skills in this course that applies to nursing practice such as the steps in a statistical study, different sampling methods,

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