Stalking Intake, Evaluation & Assessment

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Stalking is s serious crime that could cost someone’s life if not taken seriously. Every state has different laws and definitions for the term stalking but all of them cover the same basic elements. Most state laws require two or more incidents to establish a course of conduct (RCW 9a.46.110). In some cases, the stalking does not go any further than trying to communicate with a person and in other cases they may end with a homicide or other bodily injuries and because sometimes it is hard to determine the seriousness of the stalking a sensitive questionnaire has been established as follows: 1. Name and basic information of the victim such as the address, phone number, work information, etc. 2. Do you know the alleged stalker? If yes, how long? 3. What are the allegations? (Phone Calls, Following, Damage of Property, Verbal Threats, Violence Towards Children or Pets, etc.) 4. When and what was the most recent act or threat? 5. Had the alleged stalker ever been to your home? 6. What type of contact methods is the stalker using? (Phone, Email, Texts Messages, Mail, Packages, etc.) 7. Have you talked to anyone about this situation? If yes, who? 8. Does the stalker know where you work? If yes, do you have any concerns about that? 9. If you have children, does the stalker know where they stay other than with you? 10. If you have a partner, does the stalker know him/her or his/her family? 11. Have you or any other family members (including pets) ever been attacked by the stalked? If so, please describe. 12. On a scale of one to ten, ten being the worst, how scared are you? 13. Would you say you fear for your or anyone else’s life? 14. Have you experienced any forced or non-forced entry to your home or work space? 15. Do you know the reason why you are being stalked? In order to rate the questionnaire, one would have to take a closer look at the questions
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