Stakeholders In Health Care

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Analysis of a Stakeholder Paper Grand Canyon University: HCA 255 Many things are constantly evolving in health care. Every stakeholder within the world of health care holds a specific place. Each organization is able to deliver quality care through the specialization within a certain criteria of stake holding. The many stake holders within health care, consists of; insurers, hospitals, drug companies, etc. Health care reformation and health care in general, covers so many areas of human health. The views on what a healthy individual is can vary from person to person, but health care for any human being is mental, physical and spiritual health. Being healthy also consists of peace of mind, body & social well-being" (GCU Lecture,…show more content…
Therefore, it takes a very important part in the reformation of health care. The American Nurse Association was purposed to charge nurses to further their education in the medical field so that they could gain more credibility amongst their patients and within the medical field.With the ANA support in March of 2010 President Obama proposed the Health Care Reform Act to help assure individuals better, high-quality, and affordable health care insurance coverage. ("Health care reform in the United States", 2010, p.1). President Obama's purpose of the health care reform was purposed to provide better quality care to patients and the American Nurse Association is a perfect way in insuring that this word stands…show more content…
Patients want to feel comfortable enough with a nurse without the presence of a doctor. The ratio of nurses to doctors is significantly greater in health care, so it is important that nurses know just as much as doctors when it comes to providing basic care. It is within the right of a human being to have good health. It is also within the right of a health care provider to be as knowledgeable as possible in order to provide the best care possible to a patient. The American Nurse Association plays a key role in the health care reformation because it pushes all providers to be even more knowledgable within their field. As a stakeholder, the ANA has proven their loyalty and support for the new health care reform act. Their goal is to " continuously strive for outstanding quality care and feel as if the health care reform is contributing to that goal" (Ana: Ensuring nurses, paragraph, 1). Stake holders within the world of health care are a very imoportant to the role of success for, payers, providers, employers and patients. Each role plays an effect on the next

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