Being a Part of a Nursing Organization

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Being a part of a Professional organization allows us to make a powerful statement about who we are as nurses. It shows employers, colleagues and most of all our patients about our commitment to our nursing profession. It identifies us as a nurses who are serious about the profession as well as staying informed, educated and involves in all aspects of nursing care. Being a member of an organization is not required, but it is highly recommended. Keeping on top of any nursing advanced is a key benefit but there are many other: (N.A., 2012)

1) Networking

2) Educational opportunities

3) Access to mentors and mentoring

4) Forums on how to improve the nursing profession

5) Personal and professional growth

6) Unity

Professional organizations allow nurses to speak in one loud voice. Speaking with one strong voice on behalf of our profession gives us the opportunity to be heard at the Legislatures level. We have a unique opportunity to lend our expertise in influencing policy at all levels of government. Being a member of the American Nurses Association (ANA) ensures all 3.1 million nurses are represented across the board and that nurses interests are not being ignored by bureaucrats who lack true knowledge of the issues at the bedside. Being the #1 most trusted profession in the country allows nurses to truly take charge and make a difference in the policy arena. (N.A., Policy & Advocacy, 2013).

The value of these benefits is what we make of them. It means that we are a part of the greater whole in the nursing profession. It means that we are an active and caring member involved in a deeper level with career and actively involved in helping others in the nursing profession. These benefits are perks to an already rewarding career we have chosen for ourselves. This type of membership makes a statement about our

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