Sports Nutrition Essay

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How Nutrition Benefits and Links to Exercise Nutrition is the process by which the human body relies upon for its dietary needs, whether this may be a balanced diet for the average person, or a diet tailored to support an athletes or fitness enthusiasts training goals. Fuller, et al, (2007) states that “The fundamental role of nutrition in sport and exercise is to supply fuel for energy as well as all the essential nutrients and fluid“. Ref (2) This report explains and analyses the link between an athlete’s diet and exercise and what affect it can have on their performance within sport and exercise A healthy diet that consists of regular, adequate physical activity are major factors in the promotion and maintenance of good health throughout the entire life course. The food plate model The food plate model illustrates the types of food we need for a healthy diet and the proportions we should eat them in every day. As the chart shows, carbohydrates such as bread and pasta, and fruit and vegetables should make up the largest part of our daily food intake. Adapted from an original chart by the Food Standards Agency Taken from Anita Bean’s Book Sports Nutrition (2009) Ref (12) The pie charts below show the proportion of energy that should be obtained from the three main nutrient groups – carbohydrate, protein and fat. As the charts indicate, sports participants need to incre ase the amount of carbohydrates in their diet in order to meet their body’s increased energy requirements – most of this carbohydrate should be in the form of ‘starchy’ carbohydrate such as bread, pasta, rice and cereals rather than ‘sugary’ carbohydrates such as sweets. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates provide the best and most readily-available source of energy for your body during intense exercise and are vital for keeping your muscles and mind operating at peak

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