Sports Athletes Essay

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Sports athletes, heroes, teachers, etc are the role models that have the most influence in a child’s life. Children like to follow in the footsteps of these role models and become like them when they grow up. As a boy I always thought that role models were the people who gave me the best advice and they were never wrong, but sometimes they turned out to be incorrect. On the other hand, my grandmother, who I never thought of as a role model, gave me the best advice. When I was young, there was a professional soccer player named Luu Dinh Tuan and he was 17 years old. He was a well known soccer player who commanded a big paycheck and lots of respect from the people in my country. He had nice cars, fancy clothes and the biggest house in the land. His name was always on the front page of the town newspaper and the sport magazines. I remembered one time Mr. Luu came to my class and spoke to us about how to become a good soccer player. Mr. Luu stated that he did not attend school and that he used his soccer talents to earn a living. At that time, my goal was to become just like him. I dreamed of having a big house, nice cars and fancy clothes just like Mr. Luu. I even spent more time playing soccer and spent less time of my school studies. I paid more attention to developing my soccer skills and that’s when I saw my grades dropping to the point where I almost failed. I believed that at that time, Mr. Luu was trying to teach us that we should nurture our talents and work hard to achieve our goals in life. As a young boy, I misinterpreted his advice and only saw what materialistic items could be obtained with certain talents. My grandmother always stressed the importance of education and how it is needed in order to be successful in society. At that time, I didn’t want to believe my grandmother and just thought that she was just trying to get me to do well
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