Space Exploration Should Be Banned

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Every few seconds, someone DIES. Thousands and thousands of people are dying each day. There are people struggling to hold on to life. So why are we still wasting billions just to fly into space when that money could go towards a greater cause such as discovering a cure for cancer. We don’t even know if other planets are capable of sustaining a human life, let alone our entire race so why are we trying? This brings up the question of whether or not, space exploration is a waste of money. Think about the people starving in Africa. While we are trying to discover new ways of helping the human race survive by means of space exploration, people are STARVING to death. It’s kind of ironic, isn’t it? If the money that went towards researching space was put into helping people in third world countries or curing diseases, it would be much more progressive than feeding our knowledge hungry brains. It is true that one day we will run out of important resources and that we will need to find new land to thrive on but while we are looking for a new place to sustain the human race, we are destroying our earth by just DIGGING for the resources to fuel the rockets. Many people just DON’T realise just how much fuel launching a rocket into space can cost. Space exploration is pointless compared to other much more noteworthy causes such as researching medicine and helping third world countries. So is it really worth the cost and time to travel into
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