Songs in Classroom

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Teaching English through songs: This essay defines the role of teaching language through songs in the EFL classroom. A Song is a short piece of music with words that are sung, the act of singing. It is a short and usually simple piece of music for voice, with or without instrumental accompaniment (Encyclopedia Britannica Company 1768–1826). Today songs play an important role in development of young children learning a second language (Millington, 2011). In order to deal with this issue, I will first present the advantages of using songs, then I will discuss the disadvantages, and finally I will indicate the difficulties. Let me start with some of the major reasons that teaching English through songs is important. First, songs expose students to a substance beyond, Murphy (2006) states that the two major advantages of using songs are: music is highly memorable and is highly motivating, it enhances exposure, it has potential for relevant expansion of materials and topics. Secondly, the song is suitable for physical development and provide a great of opportunity for young learners to move around. For example: when children sing or hear music, they dance, clap their hands, and stomp their feet and playing instrument stimulates memory, which makes it possible for learners to hear chunks of language as they sing and use them in a different situation later. Singing can be suitable for cognitive learning, with the right appropriate song it is easy to learn new vocabulary, and by repetition of words and grammar, the song will help children learn a wide variety of language function, pronunciation, word stress, and intonation. Third, bringing song to the classroom means, bringing the children's outside word to the school, it means to bring something that pupils know and usually like very much, in addition it can lessen the distance between the teacher and the pupils if there
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