Sociological Portrait Essay

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The social institution that will be covered in my final paper is family. I feel it will be a good fit for me to discuss family versus education because family has played a bigger role in my life than education. Family is definitely something that has and continues to have an impact on my life and the decisions that I make. There are many different aspects in relation to family that will be addressed in my sociological portrait. While education has helped shape who I am today, I think family has definitely played a bigger role in my life and who I am. The main focuses of the sociological portrait will be how I have been impacted growing up as a lower middle class, African American, male. It will help readers be able to gain a better understanding of how my experiences have helped me develop into the successful man that I am today. If it were not for our experiences in life, we would not be who we are today. The past helps develop us into who we are today. Gender One of the first things that helps identify us is our gender. Gender is the state of being male or female. I am a male. In my family upbringing males had very specific roles. Males are the providers and protectors. The males in the family went out and worked, while the females stayed home and took care of the kids and house. Growing up my mom was home to teach us, care for us, cook for us, and was always there for us. My dad went out and worked to provide for us and take care of us. This idea is something that has always stuck with me. To this day I see myself as the provider and protector of my family. Things are different economically right now. My fiancé has to work. Although I would love for her to be able to stay home and care for our daughter, she can’t. We need her income to help us be able to get by. However, I still see myself as the provider and protector of our family. I am very traditional
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