Social Welfare Policy Protest

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Social Welfare Policy 9/6/13 Adam Satterfield Shift in Welfare Policy Draws G.O.P Protest In the summer of 2012 President Obama and his administration made a move to give states more latitude in running federal welfare-to-work programs. By doing this it set off a firestorm with the Republicans, who said that it undercut the work requirements that were set forth in the overhaul of welfare policy back in 1996 when Clinton was the President of the United States of America. In the article it says that the “Department of Health and Human Services announced last week that it would grant states waivers to experiment with how they administer the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program, which distributes aid to the poorest Americans while…show more content…
I think it was good that they were trying to peel back unnecessary layers of bureaucracy because I believe that the government shouldn’t have that much control over certain things and that the state should have more control over the spending that is done in certain welfare programs. I also agree with the republicans in this article that the democrats have been offering so much welfare money that it decreases the recipients work ethic to actually try and find a job to start making their own money. A lot of times they feel that it is just easier to go ahead and accept the welfare money from the government than it is to actually go out and look for a job. That is the reason that the unemployment rate is so high and the way that it is right now. The government has offered so much money in welfare that people have just stopped looking for jobs and receiving the welfare check has basically become their job. I still think it is a good idea to help people in need with welfare but there has to be some type of incentive in place or something so that people won’t just take a “free handout” as some people refer to it and will actually look for a job so that they can start making a steady paycheck on their own without much assistance. There just has to be something put in place so people will be more likely to do
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