Social and Political Effects of the Industrial Revolution

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What were the Social and Political Effects of Industrialisation in Europe? The industrial revolution was an evolving process that led a society from an economy based on feudalism to another that was centred on large-scale productions, factories and machines: technology. This concept was used in Britain from the late 18th century up to the First World War where that enormous transition slowed down, because industrialisation has continued up till nowadays. The French Revolution caused many political and social changes, as new ideologies appeared next to a strong sense of equality and a demand for more liberty. Anyway it was the Industrial Revolution the one to achieve a complete transformation in people's lives. In this essay we are going to look at the different impacts the revolution generated, especially at the social and political outcomes. ··Britain was the first country of the evolution, with the manufacture of cotton textiles, followed by others. At first there were cotton-spinning inventions which functioned with water, but James watt created the steam-engine, which then became the moving power, as it helped drive voluminous machinery in factories. Also with steam-pumps and the use of iron that was essential as some machinery was made of wood. It was then when the steam locomotive invention appeared and made possible the beginning of the Railway Age. Roads were improved and trade doubled thank to this, as goods and even people could travel quicker from one place to another. Because of all these new ameliorations, the production of cotton textiles, coal and iron, in a period of 50 years, multiplied. If we add to this the fact that Britain had the possession of developed systems of banking next to a powerful navy, a beneficial position for world trade, the richness of her resources of coal and iron, a stable government, and finally the long years of
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