Snowboarding Opinion Essay

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bob zabb When I was younger I was trying a lot of different activities just to see what I enjoyed. One of the things that I enjoyed a lot was skiing; I loved the feeling of freedom and the cold breeze on my face as I went down the hill. Even though I loved skiing I wanted to try something different. I wanted to try snowboarding. So after another year of skiing, I finally persuaded my parents into letting me snowboard, but I didn’t know it yet. One night my dad came home from work with a huge box, I figured it was something for the house, so I didn’t think anything of it. Then he opened the box and out came a snowboard along with a seasons pass to a local mountain. The first time I went I took a day long lesson and it seemed like the longest day of my life. When you’re practicing on a small hill and you can only look up at the huge side of a mountain, all you want to do is go all the way up. To add to how long it felt, every time I tried what the instructor told me to do I fell. It was frustrating but over time it became easier. Finally at the end of the day I was able to go all the way up the mountain and try to make it down. The first time down was miserable, I fell every time I got up and by the time I reached the bottom is was ready to call it quits, but the instructor made me do it again. The second time down things got easier. I was able to start and stop with out falling, which was a huge improvement from the first run. Each run after that I consistently got better until my last run. That was my worst run of the day, I fell often and the snow wasn’t getting any warm as it filled my shirt and boots. I felt like the whole day was a waste, because skiing came naturally to me and snowboarding didn’t. The next weekend I went back to the mountain to give it another try, and to this day I’m glad I kept snowboarding. That day I hardly fell. Snowboarding
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