Situational Irony Essay

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Situational Irony Situational irony happens to be an outcome that turns out to be very different from what was expected. The difference between what is expected to happen and what actually does is quite contrary. Three examples of situational irony in my life will be discussed over the next three paragraphs. I will also explain two examples from the media as well. The first example of situational irony in my life that I can remember involves a race. Not just any race, but an elementary school playground race. It was a brisk autumn day in October. The leaves were changing colors and falling gently to the ground. The school yard looked like a giant bowl of the fruity pebbles. This was the backdrop for the race which would define me among my peers for at least the rest of the school year. It is recess time for both third grade classes. Kids were talking about a big foot race all morning. It would involve most of the boys from both classes. These boys were all taller than me and naturally thought they were faster as well. I may have been short, but I was very fast. Soon the kids would come to know just how fast I was. It turned out to be a great day for me. Not only did I come in first, but I also won by a school yard mile. All the kids were very surprised that I, a short guy, had won the race. The second example of situational irony that happened in my life is when I was coming of age to drive. I was counting down the days until I could obtain my drivers license. The day had finally come and I was so excited. My Dad had promised me a car whenever I passed the test. The day finally arrived. I passed the test with flying colors. I could not wait to get home and see my new car. I get home and look in the garage and there it is. It’s not brand new and it’s a little rusty, but it’s mine. I open the door and climb inside. Wouldn’t you know the car

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