Simple Living Essay

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Simple Living The western world is effecting the environment by over consuming and making lots of pollution in the progress. Should and not spend money on.not needed stuff, like the Amish people? Is living like the Amish people going to stop.pollution and by.that save the world? The three.texts “Simple Living Recession-Style”, “Shop in the name of love” and “Forget shorter showers” have different.views in 1. Starting of with text 1.“Simple Living Recession-Style”, is objective and has a natural view.on simple living. The text doesn’t mention.if simple living is.a good or a bad thing, but instead points out the positive.and negative things about the concept.of simple living. ”The idea was to pare down and get rid of all the extra “stuff” that we think we need, but don’t”. The text focuses on how people should spend more energy on the important things in life, like family and friendships and by that get rid of all their non-essential stuff and not focus on material things. There’s no doubt about, how the concept, Simple Living is a cheap way to live. The text mentions that some people.practice for benefits. By the concept, Simple.Living happens to result in stronger.relationships with family and friends, less stress and.more meaning in life. Text 2 “Shop in the name of love”.is an interview.with an author.that just. publicized.a book. In the book she describes her year, in which she only bought necessary things, like food and clothes depending on the weather. The author was tired and felt.that she used.too much time.and energy on material things, especially buying Christmas presents. Because of this she wanted to try out the concept, Simple Living and write a book about the concept. I the text “Shop in the name of love” expresses Judith Levine’s view.on
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