Summary Of Henry David Thoreau's Definition Of Life

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1.Thoreau desires for man to wish for a simple life, only living on what is needed to survive and sustain himself, and not concern himself with material possessions or extra indulgencies, but only those that nourish his body and soul. He is calling for a life of simplicity. 2.Thoreau would despise and disdain such electronic devices and make them out to be distractions and extra necessities in our lives, because of his resentment and lax attitude toward subjects such as communication and industrialism. I believe technological devices have made a benefit in people’s lives who use them in moderation, but those who indulge and excessively spend time on and with them become unaware of the world around them and too consumed with the distractions they impose, not to mention the time they waste and space they take up. Those who use technological devices in moderation can communicate with loved ones far away, or utilize them in ways that…show more content…
When Henry David Thoreau says “As for work, we haven't any of any consequence", he means that there is not any work of importance, it is all trivial and meaningless. Henry David Thoreau’s definition of work relies solely upon the fact that it is trivial and meaningless. But that the real meaning of life is not work, but to connect with the universe and nature. 4. In his essay, “Where I lived, and What I lived For”, Henry David Thoreau says, “Shams and delusions are esteemed for soundless truths, while reality is fabulous.” He talks about how much better life would be if people focused on reality rather than their dreams. In doing so, Thoreau appears to his audience using logic. He establishes himself as someone who has faced this type of situation before. People are caught up in ‘soundless truths’ which means that they are fooling themselves of the real truth. He says that people should not allow themselves to get their hopes up that something good is going to happen to them. If we all delude ourselves, life would be like a fairy
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