Simple Calorimetry Estimate the Enthalpy of Combustion of Many Alcohols

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Abstract In this experiment we are explored the simple calorimetric estimate for the enthalpy of combustion of different alcohols. Our aim is to find out which alcohol is most efficient. Method First of all we drew up a table – this was what we used to record our results in. We then measured 100cm3 of water into a measuring cylinder and poured the water into steel we then recorded its temperature. We selected a spirit burner and recorded the name of the fuel into our table; we also included the mass of the whole burner. We then clamped the steel can so that the spirit burner will fit under it. We light the wick of the spirit burner and placed it underneath the can. After we used the thermometer and to gently stir the water when the temperature increased by 20 we put the lid on the burner to put the flame out, we then recorded the new mass of the whole burner including the lid and fuel inside. We repeated thus experiment twice with each fuel, using clean water each time. Results Temp Of Water Alcohol Mass of alcohol Energy In Energy Out Before After Before burn After burn 26 46 Methanol 173.88 163.02 246386 408 25 45 Ethanol 163.98 162.80 35651 408 25 45 Propanol 157.73 156.82 30651 408 25 45 Brutanol 168.52 167.82 25,313 408 Calculations for energy in Calculations for energy out (Mass x enthalpy for substance) (Mass of water x enthalpy for substance x Mole temperature) 10.86 x 726, 000= 246,386.25 100 x 4.18 x 20= 408 32 1.18 x 1367, 000= 35,066.5217 46 0.91 x 2021, 000= 30,651.8333 60 0.7 x 2676, 000= 25,313.5135 74 Efficiency calculations Methanol = 408 x 100 = 0.16% Propanol= 408 x 100= 1.33% 246,386 30651 Ethanol= 408 x 100= 1.16% Bruntanol= 408 x 100= 1.61% 35066 25313 Accuracy As we can see all

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