Significant Current Events in Afghanistan

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Significant Current Events in Afghanistan Afghanistan is officially the Islam Republic of Afghanistan, is a landlocked country in Central Asia, and it is a part of the Greater Middle East. Afghanistan is bordered by Pakistan in the South an East. Iran in the West. Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan , and Tajikistan in the North, and China in the far Northeast. Kabul is the capital and largest city of Afghanistan. After Kabul, the most important cities in Afghanistan are Kandahar, Mazar-I-Sharif, Jalalabad and Kanduz. The official religion is Islam, which is practiced by over 99% of its citizens. Now we now a basic information about Afghanistan. Therefore I will explain some important current events in Afghanistan specially about the women. Afghanistan can be a hard and cruel land for women and girls. First we have an article published on March 3, 2009, the title said about "Afghan Women Slowly Gaining Protection". That information is about Marian and other girls in Afghanistan. Marian was 11 years old and her parents forced her to marry a blind, 41 years old. Her price was $1,200. When she was living with her husband and his mother, they began to beat her when she failed to conceived a child. After 2 years of abuse, she sought help at police station in Kabul after the police delivered her to a residential neighborhood " Women's shelters", something that was unknown in Afghanistan before 2003. Marian said she felt fortunate to have found refuge. On the other hand, Nadia was 17 years old, her husband cut off her nose and ear while she was sleeping, she has undergone six operations and need more. Nadia said "I don't know anything about happiness". Another girl Gulsum, was kidnapped by her father, who was estranged from her mother, was forced to marry the son of her father's lover. Her husband and her mother- in- law beat her and threatened to kill

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