Significance of Animals in Psychology- Pavlov

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Significance Of Animals In Psychology Abstract The study of human-animal relationships has been historically ignored and only been briefly described in the past 150 years since Psychology has been established. This subject is still continually ignored by many. Psychology scientifically means “the science or study of the activities of living things and their interaction with the environment.” This includes behavior, learning, perception, responses to specific stimuli, emotions, and among many other things. Specific studies have only been really conducted on humans with animals playing a role in the certain study such as “Little Albert,” a young boy who was condition to be afraid of a small mouse, only because a loud noise was emitted from behind him. Until recently, studies have been conducted on primates and other animals of noteworthy importance only because they have similar learning and thinking patterns to humans. In this paper, I shall describe how animals can play a major factor in research and future innovation compared to normal studies on humans. Of course, I’m against the harmful testing on animals sense some studies can be very unethical. Though, tests these days aren’t allowed to endanger the participants and those participating need to know the risks before agreeing to be a part of a study. Significance of Animals in Psychology Despite two historical normality’s between the study of humans and the study of animals, the amount of research stressed on animals is lacking unfortunately. One of the vary small studies conducted on animals was more of a classical type of conditioning, done by Pavlov observed the salvation produced when meat was placed in a dogs mouth. Before he gave the meat to the dogs he rang a bell, after several repetitions of ringing the bell and supplying the meat the dogs began to salivate when the bell was rang and the meat

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