Darryl Phillips Mr. Leggett English 4 28 April 17 Behind the Scenes In Animal Testing Animal experimentation is a serious issue that many people oppose, whereas others try to justify the inhumanity behind it. Because of the controversy surrounding this topic, it has caused much frustration in companies and labs that test their products on animals. There are currently many organizations such as PETA (People for the Ethical Treatments of Animals) and IAAPEA (International Association Against Painful Experiments On Animals) that oppose animal testing and try to resolve this issue by providing people with knowledgeable information about what is really happening to these animals. Over one-hundred million animals die in labs worldwide every
Insofar as I can make-out, people are uncomfortable to know how animals die and to assume such a responsibility. When I've showed people videos of --seemingly credible-- factory farm footage they either react in two different ways: (1) either they quiver-away or plea me to turn it off (2) or they uncomfortably scoff at how ridiculously cynical it all is. Albeit, appalled, this doesn't generally discourage people to stop eating meat altogether. They simply look past it when they go-off and buy animal-based products. The fact of the matter is that the animal products we buy are the source of considerable pain and cruelty.
Mill dogs may live exclusively outside, where they are exposed to environmental conditions which harm them, or conversely live entirely indoors in cages. Because dogs at puppy mills are racked with health problems, their healthy lives and breeding years tend to be significantly shorter than those of other dogs. (ASPCA) This problem, coupled with the limited space at puppy mills commonly results in mass euthanasia once the dogs move past the age where they can sustain the rate of overactive production at which they are expected to
There are a group of people who believe humans view animals as property and mistreat them due to their lack of intelligence. But there is also a group who use animals as a way of life and appreciate their contributions to the world’s ecosystem. This group looks at the human behaviors towards animals, and animal’s level of emotion, and the contradiction towards the treatment of animals. When debating the topic about animals first we will talk about human behaviors and thoughts towards animals. In the essay “Why I Hunt” by Rick Bass, the author talks about how the love of hunting and the landscape nourish his soul.
This is a very excruciate form of animal abuse, and is one of the worst known to man. Stopping animal abuse such as puppy mills will help a lot of animals in need and here are some reasons how: Refusing to buy dogs that are shipped from puppy mills. Most of those dogs that had been shipped from puppy mills would be ill with a disease. A lot of the dogs that are trapped together in a small area carry diseases and pass it on to other dogs. With no taking car of these poor dogs have no choice to have what’s coming, and to help them you would have to see the dog to get them.
Imagine a world if animals dominated it, and they treated us they same way we treated them. I would personally change my ways in treating animals because I hate it whenever I am looked down upon. Lastly, people should feel bad or have their conscience get to them whenever they mistreat all the animals in their life. If they don’t, what does that say about
Cassandra Wood Professor Moton English B1A: Online 24 April 2015 Week 14 Project Thesis: Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) practice abusive treatment towards animals to produce low cost food for financial gains, while these conditions pose a threat to animals, humans and the environment, consumers should boycott all industrialized meat and support their local free range farms until the CAFO’s starts practicing healthy humane farming. Outline: I. Introduction A. Factory farms are abusive to animals B. Factory farms are dangerous to the environment C. Factory farms are dangerous to humans health D. Thesis II.
Many fruits and vegetables have a certain time of year that they are plentiful however they are now modified to ripen before their season. The majority of the meats in the meat department are boneless. Hamburgers have E. coli and it has proven to be fatal. Soy and corn are patented and owned by the world’s largest genetically modified organism company in the world Monsanto. Farmers are persecuted and sued for accidentally infringing on Monsanto’s seed “rights”.
Slaughterhouses were gruesome and extremely unethical in their approach to materialize animals. It seems as if animals were no longer living beings but rather objects that humans can reproduce and manipulate. I believe that many people in our society are anthropocentric because a lot of them are not exposed to what the food industries really do. The general public is often occupied with the idea that everything should revolve around improving ourselves. But not a lot of people pay attention to what happens behind the scenes.
Food Inc. is a documentary that reports the inside story of America’s food industry. Food Inc. does a tremendous job of brining to light what industries are trying to keep hidden. The facts revealed through this documentary are eye opening and should be used to drive change in lives and in America’s food industry. Animals such as chickens, cows, and pigs are treated cruelly in the food industry. Chickens, for instance, are raised and slaughtered in half the time they were fifty years ago; but these chickens are raised bigger.