Should People Be Able to Vote Online?

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Should People Be Able To Vote Online? Jason Underwood Grantham University Should People Be Able To Vote Online? This great country has come to be great through introducing freedom and rights. One of the most important rights is that of voting. To choose the leaders that run this country gives the citizen the feeling they themselves shape the home in which they live. Although with the way electoral voting works, this may not be exactly the case. However, the glory of choosing our government is something that many people do not take for granted. In fact, some people are trying to improve that which seems to have already been perfected. The question at hand is, should a citizen be allowed to vote for their chosen candidate, online. Well this, to some, may spark an initial YES or NO; for me it is not that easy. My mind keeps running through many reasons why a person should and should not. Here is how I plan to layout my answer. I will mention all the YES’s and all the NO’s with explanations, and give them a “Power Score” of their impact and importance on the decision. The score will range from 1 (not a huge difference but worth mentioning) thru 4(totally matters completely). Then I will add up the score and give you my YES or NO. Of course the first dilemma that pops into my head is, would it be safe? You think, surely there is not some geek out there that plans to hack the system and change votes for his satisfaction; but I have heard of much worse things happening. The real fear would be if someone could gain access to the voters’ personal information. They we have a real concern for safety and identity theft, the list goes on. For this reason, I vote a big fat NO with a score of 4. Another big NO that comes to mind would be the bugs that come out of the wood works. This may sound really harsh but it is worth thinking about. If a

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