Should Driving Age Be Raised To 18

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Should the teenage driving age be raised to 18? Disputes over whether to raise the driving age have been a rising hot topic of discussion. Over the past few years, teen driving habits have been closely studied and driving fatalities among adolescents have been rising more and more every year. In fact, the largest proportion of adolescent injuries and fatalities are due to motor vehicle accidents, most are due to the influence of peers, drugs, and/or alcohol. (Digest, 2008) More than 5,000 teenagers die in car accidents every year. (Digest, 2008) A way to solve this problem would be to raise the legal driving age should be raised to 18 years old. The typical 16 year old does not usually have the maturity to handle such a huge responsibility…show more content…
(Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, 2010) Throughout this age, tees are going through many experiences and changes. Emotions are running wild, and stress and peer pressure can cause teens to make bad decisions such as drinking and driving. Teens tend to take more risks as they are easily influences by friends, the media, and their own emotions. (Loughry, 2004) Drinking and driving is another leading cause of fatal car accidents among adolescents. When teens drive after drinking alcohol, they are more likely than adults to be involved in a car accident, even when driving less alcohol than adults. (Times, 2007) Speeding is another cause of fatal car accidents among teens. (Times, 2007) When late for school, an event, or even for curfew, speeding seems like a quick and easy idea to fix the problem. But the real problem is speeding is very dangerous. Teens do not realize the danger of speeding. Not only can they kill or injure themselves, but they can also kill or injure other innocent drivers on the road. Another huge issue is using seat belts. A seatbelt is the single most effective safety device in your car. (Digest, 2008) Getting pulled over, getting a speeding ticket or even having a fender bender seems like the end of the world to teens, but fatality is the real issue. When a teen in emotionally unstable, they may be more inclined to speed. Fifty-four percent of all teen motor vehicle…show more content…
Adding two years to the legal driving age could make a big difference, and would not hurt anyone. At 18 years old, most teens are graduating high school, and maybe even moving on to college. Maturity levels at 18 years old are usually higher than maturity level for a 16 year old. Also, it would help to make it harder for teens to get their license. These days, teens are not required to have much experience to be given a license, which is why we have so many fatal car accidents. Lastly, parents should be encouraged to help inform their children, not only about the dangers of the road, but also about peer pressure. They should encourage them to call for a ride home if they feel unsafe or unable to drive, and they should talk to them about the differences between right and wrong ways to handle certain situations, and encourage them to pull over when using their cell phones. Driving in the digital age has added worries. (Times, 2007) Parents should encourage their teens to drive the speed limit, even if it means being late for curfew. Speed, distraction, and driver inexperience cause most crashes-and those things can be controlled. (Digest, 2008) Laws that restrict teenage driving in terms of curfews and passengers permitted now have a proven track record in keeping 16 year old drivers safer. Almost all states now have these laws but, only 60 percent of parents said they were aware of them. This is bad news since parents

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