Should The Driving Age Be Changed?

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Should the Teenage Driving Age Be Raised? The age at which you can legally drive varies from country to country, but in many places it is lower than 18. In most American states it is 16 or younger. Usually you are allowed to take a driving test a year or more before you can even vote. As young drivers are the ones most likely to have accidents, from time to time there are calls to raise the driving age. In the past few years lawmakers in the US states of Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois and Massachusetts have debated raising their driving age, although each attempt was denied (Huffington Post). The British government has also recently considered lifting the driving age in the UK from 17 to 18, although it seems unlikely to go ahead with this change (Huffington Post). The current driving age in Pennsylvania is 16. When a teen gets to that age all they think about is driving, but when they turn that age parents just begin to worry. “Adrian Lund, president of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, a research group funded by the auto insurance industry, acknowledged the idea is "a tough sell," but noted that car crashes are the leading cause of death among teenagers” (Irvine). That is a big statistic to ignore. Pennsylvania had 242 deaths which involved a teenage driver in 2008, third among all 50 states behind that of Texas, 650 deaths, and Florida with 516 deaths (California DMV). Teenagers are reckless and we must do everything reasonable to prevent deaths. Raising the driving age will cut the number of accidents on the roads. Teenage drivers are much more likely to have accidents than older drivers. In the USA there were over 30 000 deaths in crashes involving 15-17 year old drivers between 1995 and 2004 (Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association, RMIIA). Raising the driving age by a year or two will greatly reduce these accidents and deaths.

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