Drinking Age Pros And Cons Essay

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DRINKING AGE LIMIT On December 5, 1933, the repeal of alcohol prohibition by the 21st Amendment allowed each state to set its own drinking age limit laws. At that time most of the states’ minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) was 21. Later during the Vietnam War era, the passage of the 26th Amendment lowered the voting age from 21 to 18 in July 1, 1971. Following this, thirty states lowered their MLDA to 20, 19, and 18. During the 1970’s reports showed that teenage car accidents increased in states where the MLDA had been lowered from 21 years old. This in turn prompted Congress to help alleviate the problem by passing the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984. Although the federal government has no constitutional basis for setting a MLDA, it has…show more content…
Unfortunately many states have taken the easy road and have become over-reliant on the federal government for support. In return they are forced to relinquish power and freedom. This is one of the “cons” to following the federal mandate of the universal MLDA of 21. The main argument against lowering the MLDA again, is the inevitable rise in drunken driving related deaths. In the 1960’s and 1970’s when many states had lowered the MLDA, besides the rise in drunk-driving deaths, studies showed that people raised from childhood in under-21 states were involved in higher rates of alcohol and drug use as adults, and had a higher rate of homicides and suicides. (Moses, 2011) This in turn convinced federal law makers to raise the MLDA again to 21. However, in order to encourage states to comply, the federal government would tighten their purse strings and states would receive little or no funding towards highways. So while there are those who do not necessarily care one way or the other about the actual age limit on alcohol consumption, they do prefer having the federal
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