Segregation, Slavery, Reconstruction

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Segregation After the civil war in the USA, the African Americans gain “equal” rights. But the 14th amendment in 1868 (Absolute equality of the two races before the law) didn’t include “social rights” which meant that they didn’t get much choices in society, like choosing where you wanted to sit on a bus. This still made the African Americans feel inferior, knowing that within their home town the “whites” had the choices, and actual freedom. Blacks responded to their situation in 4 ways as their situation began to worsen from 1877. They would co-operate with any willing whites, migrate to the North or West, protest politically and would follow accommodationism. Even today, the African American population within Caucasian neighborhoods had still only risen by about 5%. The Latinos now have a higher social rank than the African Americans. Slavery The 13th amendment on January 1st, 1865 abolished slavery within the USA, this was supposed to help equalise the two races. But after they were “released” they had nothing to do, they had grown up having structure, being told what to do; now they are lost. But the conditions before this was unbearable for some. the conditions along with the lack of nutrients and abuse, it helped them when they “escaped”. They don’t have the same opportunities as the “whites” and also this is left with them through many generations, always being looked down upon by the “superior” race. Even to today, this is still happening, a superior race, we try to say that everyone is equal but no African Americans would believe this, but this is all starting to change now that the US have a African American president. Reconstruction In the Southern states, many African Americans demanded equality in 1865 - they felt they were unequal in economic, social, political and legal aspects. Durings 1865 Reconstruction Confederate style was
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