Sandercock's Model Of Participation

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Sandercock’s Models of Participation (Sandercock and Berry 1983) developed critical appraisal of the rhetoric of participation and what it had achieved. Participation is not a substitute for planning for regular government. But participation does serve a purpose. 1. Who benefits? 2. Who participates? 3. Who designs the process? 4. How is effectiveness measured? She divides the participation as 1. Market research spotlights the responsibility and power of the government system. The market research is the way for the authority to get feedback from the consumer or community by using detailed question. The participant has ruled only as customer and participation in market research is only the way for the authority to get response from the consumer.…show more content…
Social therapy, the community are encouraged to contribute and to involve in the project in a volunteer way. 5. Grass-roots radicalism, the participation is the way for disadvantage group in community to challenge the domination of government system and injustice system which influence their lives. Bishop and Davis Model Participation is shaped by the policy problem, the techniques and resources availability. The political judgment may also influence the participation. For example the important of issue may have pressure to use public participation or not as the way to solve the issue. They divide participation into: 1. Participation as consultation, the participation is the system for the authority to get feedback from the participant. There are range of techniques are used to obtain the response from community such as public meeting and survey. The participant realizes that their input could influence the development process. 2. Participation as partnership, the participant and the authority are working together to make the decision about the development process. 3. Participation as standing the participation could allow the community to involve in the development process either as direct participant or represent in…show more content…
GIS could be able to analyze the area by using various attribute data such as welfare level, land and housing value and other sensitive information. There are some problems either ethical or practical to use GIS as tool to involve the public to find the neighbourhood problems. The problems are about transparency of information and private privacy. Moreover, Managing data would need an expert to organize using GIS. This practice could make disempowerment potential assets in community. However, by using participatory GIS in community based participation could guarantee the accessibility to information (Smith and Miller 2013). It could provide the decision maker supporting data to create planning or project based on the community

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