Romanovs And The Russian Revolution

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The decline of the Romanovs and the Russian revolution occurred due to varying influences externally and internally. The social and economic state of Russia and the changes transpiring had a large impact of the fall of the Dynasty. The actions of the Tsar and the influence from figures such as Rasputin helped to create discontent in Russian society. The character of Nicholas also helped to increase the social uprising and it was seen clearly that he lacked the capacity to effectively lead a country. The introduction of revolutionary ideas assisted sealing the fate of the Tsar. Although many of the changes occurring at this time would of happened regardless, it is clear that if the Tsar had the ability to lead, the Dynasty may of not fallen…show more content…
There was a clear social and economic hierarchy with the majority of the people being the lower class. As mentioned Russia’s population consisted of 77% peasants. In society and work there was a focus on your social class, this would also dictate your wealth and opportunities. This division was often illustrated in propaganda such as the “Russian wedding cake”. Russia was seen as having a feudal system where the working class (peasants) were holding up everyone above them and retaining nothing. The response from the Tsar was the emancipation in 1861. Nicholas was quoted saying to nobles of Russia that “the existing condition of owning souls cannot remained unchanged. It is better to begin to destroy serfdom from above than to wait until that time when it begins to destroy itself from below”. Although there were a few cases of the Tsar redistributing land to the peasants Riasanovsky claims that the “Fundamental inequality and widespread destitution could not be remedied by a re-division of the peasants inadequate land” This further brings the idea of Marxism into Russia which is discussed later. Although we see a positive action from the Tsar in relation to the inequality of the Russian people it did little to change or help the Russian society. This further displays that Nicholas had little knowledge of how to run a country…show more content…
Looking throughout the Tsars reign it is apparent that his many failings encouraged the people to up rise and change the current form of government. His inability to handle the social and economic conditions or his input towards them, brought the blame of many problems some even of external problems. It was predominantly the Tsars poor character and action that lead to his removal as he did not acquire many of the characteristics and knowledge to rule a country and his decisions were poorly made in respect to the public. Revolutionary ideas provided the people with an answer to the their problems; the Tsar. If the Tsar had the capacity to rule, understand and the desire to lead his dynasty would not of ended at all or in such devastating
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