Assess the Cause of the 1905 Russian Revolution

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There were many factors in the build-up to revolution in 1905. Before the events of the 1905 revolution Russia was a very turbulent place. There were both many short and long term effects that lead up to the 1905 revolution in Russia. They included; the peasant disturbances, disappointment from previous leaders, an incompetent leader, worsening conditions, war with Japan and Bloody Sunday. Prior to 1905, disturbances in Russia could have been seen as quite rare. Russia was though suffering from a long period of repression and unrest. From the Tsar in Russia, the regimes had slowly developed into more of an autocratic establishment that implemented its will onto the people with lesser regard for human life and liberty. A major cause of the revolution was the continuing discontent of both the peasants and the landowners due to worsening working conditions. From 1880 onwards, the Russian government encouraged industrial growth, as there was shortages and distress in the countryside. As urbanization grew, cities and towns grew rapidly and concentrated within them large numbers of an increasingly rebellious working class. Bus as more and more people moved into the city the working conditions lowered and lowered. Workers worked in poorly ventilated factories for long hours and little pay. They had no trade unions for protection. Their homes were crowded and poorly built. Economic recession between 1899 and 1903 had also led to growing unemployment throughout the Empire. This was evident through the Petition to the Tsar presented by Father Capon. This petition was a kind approach taken by the working seeking “truth, justice and protection from [the Tsar]” because they were “treated as slaves… not recognized as people…. & oppressed”. The Tsar denied their desperate and pleading approach, which soon lead to other rebellions including strikes and Bloody Sunday. There
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