How Far Had Russia Transformed Between 1881-1914?

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How far had Russia transformed between 1881-1914? From 1881 to 1914 Russia experienced many transformations, particularly: socially, economically and politically. Some of these areas transformed a lot quicker than others; this is because each area had to be approached differently. The government was constantly changing and introducing new reforms that would try to develop Russia but this would take place over time, which is the situation the economical area is situated in where they are having to build new railways to transport goods to be sold, which also are taking a long time to build due to the lack in advanced technology. The social groups on the other hand are constantly changing and transforming, sometimes influenced by the change in government because of the different beliefs and aims of each group. During this time period Russia was not very economically stable and by 1880 an industrial revolution had not taken place. Russia was too big and her road and rail network not sufficiently developed although the production of railways was dramatically increasing. There was also no effective banking system in place to help and guide Russia to economical success. The 1880s saw an industrial expansion in Russia. Coal and oil exports rapidly increased meaning more money was being brought into the country. The government however, used it for increasing military power such as making new weapons and employing more soldiers rather than helping the structure of Russia. To help the structure of Russia they could have spent it on building new roads and railways, and investing in new agricultural equipment which would help the economical transformation of Russia a lot more. Sergei Witte was minister of finance from 1892 to 1903 and wanted to modernise Russia. He invited foreign experts to advise him on industrial development and believed in state capitalism. He negotiated
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