Dbq: Stalin: Evaluation Of His Leadership

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In 1928, Joseph Stalin became one of the world’s most contentious leaders. During the period that Stalin was in control of mother Russia, he transformed the Soviet Union into a modern super power. He used certain methods to change Russia. He did this by modernizing the Russian economy with his Five Year Plans. He also increased industrial and agricultural production with his policy of collectivization. He carried out purges or the harsh movements against his enemies to make sure he kept total control of the U.S.S.R. Stalin made several changes in the Soviet Union. He did this by modernizing the economy by setting up the Five-Year Plan. In document 1, Stalin's speech uses nationalistic pride to motivate the people. Stalin was trying to push the people so they can be an advanced country. He wanted to make up the difference between the advanced countries and Russia in 10 years. He said, "Either we do it or we will be crushed." Stalin's Five-Year Plans set high production goals for heavy industry and transportation. Other changes Stalin made were to increase production in agriculture by the collectivization policy. Document 4 shows how he planned to do this by joining small peasant farms together and eliminate the Kulaks who were wealthy farmers. During the First Five Year Plan, livestock went from 33 to 16 million. During the Second Five-Year Plan, livestock went up slightly from 16 million to about 17 million. Wheat production yo-yoed from 25 to 18 million between the years 1928-1937. Throughout the Second Five-Year Plan, wheat production did increase to about 50 million tons, which shows a large increase. The Second Five-Year Plan seemed more successful for farming than livestock. With the changes of collectivizing, he used methods that some might say seemed unfair. The results of farm collectivization were debatable. Document 6 says 4.5-7 million people
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