Rock Music Essay

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Rock music is defined as the “freely” genre of popular music created during the 1950’s. The genre of music was introduced to the world as early as 1954 and was given the name Rock and Roll. According to Scaruffi (2009) “Chuck Berry invented rock music in 1955.” But, later history shows that he didn’t invent rock music, but was one of the most influential singers, songwriters, musician, and performer to the genre of rock and roll. In the 1950’s rock music brought on a lot of great musicians and singers, rock musicians such as, Bill Haley, who recorded “Rock Around the Clock” which was the first rock and roll song to gain national popularity around the United States. Another famous musician was Elvis Presley who dazzled crowds of his peers with songs like “Heartbreak Hotel”, “Blue Suede Shoes”, and “Jailhouse Rock”. Most of the rock music you heard and listened to was inspired and composed by black musicians and later inherited by whites. Rock music consisted of many styles such as, gospel, country, rhythm and blues, and western music. During the creation of rock music the world was under a lot of stress. There was the Korean War, Vietnam War, and because states were still being segregated the civil rights movement was being established. During this time period rock and roll gave the younger generations a voice to tell the rest of the world that hey would no longer stand by and watch injustices occur. Although rock and roll had positive influences on the world it was also known for its rebellious lyrics and was a stepping stone for protests. In its’ positive aspects rock and roll music brought the world together for a cause, in ways the world had never seen before. But, rock and roll music also became synonymous with drugs, sexual freedom, and rebellion. Many of the framers and greats that were inspired by rock music and inspired a movement for other rock

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