Rise of the Political Islamism in Turkey

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Rise of the Political Islamism in Turkey In contemporary Turkey, rise and occupation of political Islamism is not chance or people’s need for superior religious morals; present power of Islamic discourse in dominant political ideologies reached their present action potential due to a chain of social and economic instances in the history of Turkish Republic. Construct of Secularism: Republic, Kemalism and the others A crucial point to remark is how Turkish state ostracized the Islamic groups from public sphere. Nation state has been common and widely accepted criteria of state where a state and government organization aims to increase the welfare of a population which is dominantly characterized by and consisting of a single nationality. Idea of nation-state was valid through most of the 20th century. Turkish republic was designed to be homogenized around a secular national identity; this imagined construct was superior to most of the other identities in the public sphere (Yavuz, 1997). Though epistemic violence that state executed mainly served to manage the negative public opinion about present condition of young Turkish Republic, epistemic violence that is focused to Islam aims manage the struggle between Islamic ideology and state Ideology (Göknar, 2013). Process of this oppression towards Islamic groups can be explained by misinterpretation of secularism. While secularism separates religion and politics in essence, Turkish secularism (laiklik) aimed to put status of religion in control of and below state(Robinson, 2011). Purpose of this political application was to marginalize each and every other identity which is not Kemalism. While Kemalist national identity was flagship of modern Turkey, republicans considered Muslim periphery as a source of opposition to modernization process of Turkish republic (Yavuz, 1997). This may be true because population of
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