Government: The Three Branches Of Government

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Branches of Government Jefferson said it best, “My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government” (The Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc., 1996-2012, para. 1). After the ultimate control while under rule of the crown, the founding fathers sought to create not only a government that provided for rights and liberties of the people, but also to ensure that government interaction and authority was spread amongst various branches. This distribution of power would provide checks and balances to guarantee reduced influence, while allowing each section to operate independently. However, agreement of each party would be problematic to achieve when needing to enact new laws and regulations. Additional issues arose when the regional governments sought to be heard for its individual residents, which continue…show more content…
The majority has no realistic understanding of the functions of each of the three branches of government nor do they know which political party controls which institution (Somin & McGinnis, 2004). This ignorance easily leads to intense conflict as opponents are unlikely to understand the division of powers between federal and state governments. Mass ignorance leave voters unlikely to affect policy change, especially on complex issues like the division of powers. Consider the example of the practice of interstate commerce wherein the individual states engage in mutually beneficial trade transactions. Though the states factor significantly in maintaining the federalist system, it is the federal government that creates the structure for open trade and ensures the states deliver as agreed (Somin & McGinnis, 2004). In other words, the federal government is the enforcement and mediation agent between states; without it, nothing prevents one state from dishonoring a
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