Federalism Vs Pluralism

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Faction, a problem could not avoid in American society because of the vast different opinions. In favor of republican, James Madison emphasized that the strong Constitution has the control to deal with violence and aggression caused by faction which those in favor of democracy could not because of its instability government. Furthermore, in the federalist no.51 he stated that the Constitution’s separation of power also helps mitigate the problem of factionalism. Believing in pluralist theory that power is relatively broadly distributed among many more or less organized interest groups in society, and the fear of majoritarian rule, James Madison one more time convinced that the Constitution will mitigate the problem of factionalism by diving…show more content…
51, therefore government is necessary to control its people but with the limit power so that there will be no self-interested ambitions held by government. With the separation of powers, each branch will have way to limit the power of other branches. For example, “Congress is given the chief lawmaking power under the Constitution, but a bill can become a law only if the president signs it. The Supreme Court has the power to reject a law formulated by Congress and signed by the president if it is contrary to the Constitution” (Edward S. Greenberg). With this way, the self-interest ambition of one branch will counter the ambition of other branches just like James Madison wrote in federalist no. 51 that “Ambition…be made to counteract ambition”. And basing upon on the pluralist theory that the power in society is distributed among those interest group that compete with one another to take control of public policy. One more time, the Constitution has the control to limit these groups to avoid violence and aggression cause by these factions. Therefore, by using majoritarian principle and pluralist theory, James Madison affirmed that Republican has the power to control the faction’s effect better than
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