A range of different things. This can mean differences in race, heritage, belief systoms, physician appearances, etc. Diversity is valued so that people can accept other people and their differences. Diversity should also valued because no on is completely the same even within the categories that I have used for examples. It is important to value diversity in order to work together.
Associate Program Material Diversity Worksheet Answer each question in 50 to 150 words. Provide citations for all the sources you use. 1. What is diversity? Diversity is a concept that encompasses acceptance and respect.
The term Alien is use to describe immigrates or people who come from another country to live in America. Immigrants help to build this country up to where it is now. “Ask not what your country can do for you -- ask
• What difficulties do you face because of who you are, where you came from, or where you live now? Immigration Guide If you choose to write an immigration guide, be sure to include the following information: • For which home country are you writing the guide? • What immigration laws may apply to immigrants using your guide? • What can immigrants expect their journey to be like? • What can immigrants expect immediately upon arrival?
Diversity is about recognising differences and valuing the differences. It consist of visible and none visible factors which include the characteristics of a person such as their background, culture personality. In addition to the characteristics that are protected under the discrimination legislation in terms of race, disability, gender, religion, sexual orientation and age by recognising and understanding that everyone has the right to be treated as a individual and encouraging individuals to express their individuality freely if they wish everyone who is cared for in your setting will feel valued as a individual. Equality is about creating a fairer society where everyone can participate and has the opportunity to fulfil their potential this is stated in the department of health 2004. Equality also means being equal no matter what you race, gender, age, disability, religion, cultural differences and sexual orientation.
Movement of people create connections between people, places and institutions. The term migrant according to the Office for National Statistics is someone who changes his or her residence for a period of at least a year and the country of destination becomes the usual residence. (Raghurham, 2009) In this essay the term migrant is referred to those who move internally within a country as well as international migrants who move between countries. An example of internal migration is the retired people of Britain moving to Wales (Raghurham, 2009). International migration is people’s movement across countries or continents.
It is about positively striving to meet the needs of different individuals and taking action to create environments where everybody feels respected and able to achieve their full potential. Inclusion also involves making the individual actively involved in all aspects of their life, care and support in order for them to feel valued as they are. 1.1 d- Discrimination Discrimination means treating less favourably due to prejudice, unfairness, intolerance,
What is migration? Migration denotes any movement from one place to another, in this case, from one country to another. People who migrate are known as migrants, or more specifically, emigrants, immigrants or settlers. The reasons that migration occurs can be categorized into push and pull factors. These factors are political, economic, environmental and cultural based.
How they choose to move? How migration does changes the world? I will try to find answers into these questions by analysing one of the most significant areas in London – Camden Town and London itself. Firstly, let’s describe migration. Migration is people movement from one residence to another.
In our case, a category of people different from others by character, ideologies, views and so on for example Kenyans, Catholics, Protestants, and Muslim etc. Social categories are therefore made of sets of people who bear a label(s) which distinguish them from others mainly on the basis of rules of membership to that category or by a set of characteristics thought to be unique to the members of that category (such as physical attributes, moral beliefs and desires). The category ‘‘professor,’’ for example, has rules of membership defined by a credentialing process and the requirement of being employed as a professor, and a content that includes a host of norms for proper behavior. Ethnic identities are understood to be defined mainly by descent rules of group membership and content typically composed of cultural attributes, such as religion, language, customs, and shared historical myths. What does it mean, then, to say that ethnic identities are socially constructed?