Response To Colonialism

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2a) How different were the reactions of the Southeast Asian colonies towards their European colonial rulers in the period 1870-1900? Explain your answer. |LEVEL |DESCRIPTOR |MARKS | |L1 |Writes about colonial rulers, but makes no comparison |1-2 | | |Award 1 mark for each detail, to a maximum of 2 marks. | | | | | | | |Eg. The reactions of Southeast Asia colonies towards European colonial rulers were generally one of | | | |hostility and resistance. | | |L2 |Identifies differences and/or similarity(s) |3-4 | | |Award 3 marks for one and 4 marks for both. | | | | | | | |Eg. They were similar because the natives of each of the Southeast Asian colony were dissatisfied with | | | |colonial rule and would take steps to resist foreign influences. | | | | | | | |AND/OR
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