Resolving Ethical Dilemmas in Counseling Minors in School Settings

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Running head: RESOLVING ETHICAL DILEMMAS Resolving Ethical Dilemmas in Counseling Minors in School Settings Tiffany Woodward Prairie View A& M University In partial fulfillment of the requirement for JJUS/JPSY 5783 Dr. Harry Adams May 1, 2009 Nicole, a 15-year old high school sophomore, recently discovered she is pregnant by her 16-year old boyfriend, Josh. When she told Josh she was pregnant, he told her not to tell anyone and that he would get the money so she could get an abortion. Nicole was undecided as to whether or not she wanted to terminate her pregnancy and keep it a secret from everyone. Nicole has had a difficult relationship with her mother and has never met her father. Over the past two years, Nicole has developed a close relationship with her high school counselor, Ms. Williams. Other than Ms. Williams, there is no other adult Nicole feels comfortable talking to. She decided to discuss her situation with Ms. Williams. Ms. Williams has been a high school counselor for 7 years. She has seen a lot of students come and go but has taken a special interest in Nicole. During Nicole’s freshman year, every time Ms. Williams saw Nicole, Nicole would be alone; whether it was in between classes or lunch time in the cafeteria. Ms. Williams invited Nicole to eat lunch with her one day and their relationship has continued to grow. Nicole was guarded and defensive when they first met and over the past two years Nicole has let her guard down and has become comfortable talking to and sharing information with Ms. Williams. They meet once a week either during Nicole’s lunch hour or during study hall. Nicole has revealed a lot of information regarding her childhood and home environment to Ms. Williams but it came as a shock when Nicole revealed she was pregnant and that she was considering having an abortion without
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