Formative Mentorship Essay

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INTRODUCTION This essay is a 500-word case study about my learner, which identifies their learning needs within my area of practice. Firstly, I will describe my learner, her learning needs and how these were identified. Secondly, I will describe two main issues that affect learning taking into consideration my learner’s educational experience and factors which may impact on the learner’s experience such as learning style or special needs. And finally, I will describe how my learner’s learning was planned taking into consideration the issues identified using a learning contract. Reference will be made to relevant educational theory and literatures to support this case study. For confidentiality reasons, all names have been changed in accordance with the NMC code of professional conduct (NMC, 2008). Emma is a 23 year old newly qualified mental health nurse who is currently going through her preceptorship period in a medium secure forensic mental health ward. Prior to her current role, she had spent the last four years studying to become a nurse, however, all her placement was in general psychiatry without any previous experience in forensic settings. Emma has a 4 year old daughter and she is a single mum. She took a year’s break from her studies following the birth of her child. The two main issues that may affect Emma’s learning are; time management impacted by being a single mother and lack of experience in a forensic setting. When Emma commenced on the ward, we had our initial meeting within her first week and we identified her learning needs and issues that may affect her learning. Strategies for supporting her learning were also identified (see learning contract). A combination of reflective practice and constructivism educational theory approach will be utilized in addressing the learning needs of Emma. Since most of the learning will be based on her prior

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