Research Paper On Poverty In America

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Mariana Alcaraz Mr. Farrely Sociology / Research Paper Poverty In America Poverty In America there are 46.2 million Americans are now leaving in poverty which that is a lot it grew by 2.6 million in just the last 12 months in 2011. The government census reported that is the most they have ever seen based in poverty in America. The U.S Census Breau have reported that the median household income has dropped 2.3 % in 2010 after accounting inflation. They have also determined that based on estimated crimes done in the United States where commited by low-income people. The poorer the people the more they are more likely to commite a crime or go to jail. The unemployment has got worst it has grown a lot and the number of…show more content…
Based on Census statistics the United States has a child poverty rate that is more than twice as high as many Europeans nations. The Poverty rate for children living in the U.S has increased to 22% in 2010. The poverty rate for U.S. adults is only 13.7 % today one out of every four American children is on food Stamps. Also 50 percent of all U.S children will be on food stamps at some point in their lives before they reach the age of 18. There are also 314 countries in the U.s where at least 30 % of the children are facing food insecurity. There are 20 million U.S children that rely on school programs to keep them from going hungry. An estimate of half a million children may currently be homeless in the United…show more content…
The income used to calculate poverty status includes earnings, workman's compensation, unemployment insurance, Social Security, veteran's payments, pensions, interest and dividends, and just about every other source of cash. It does not, however, include capital gains, so, theoretically, millionaires could qualify as poor if they lived solely by selling off investments. Non-cash benefits, such as food stamps or subsidized rents, also do not count as income. Race and Hispanic Origin Real median household income did not change between 2003 and 2004 for non-Hispanic whites, blacks or Asians or for households with Hispanic householders. Black households had the lowest median income in 2004 ($30,134) among race groups. Asian households had the highest median income ($57,518). The median income for non-Hispanic white households was $48,977. Median income for Hispanic households was $34,241. Comparison of two-year moving averages (2002-2003 and 2003-2004) showed that the real median income for households with householders who reported American Indian and Alaska native as their race was statistically unchanged. The same was true for native Hawaiian and other Pacific islander

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