Child Poverty Essay

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What is child poverty, its key causes and impacts? Introduction: Child poverty is the lack of basic human needs that are necessary for living a decent life. There are various causes that create devastating impacts, which often determines the actual outcome of a child living in poverty; and the future that child will have. (Spencer M 2012). During research of the topic, important information was found, with the current details of child poverty within the United Kingdom ( Barnado‘s 2012.Child poverty), and some sources covered a wider range of poverty; which not only covered the U.K; but a vast amount of countries, which have the same issue, related to the topic.(Ted 2011). As child poverty is based on a number of problems that families in poverty face on a daily basis, this essay, has given a detailed view of what actually happens to children who live in poverty today, and the risks of people living in this state. This research has shown that a person in poverty is not always to be blamed for the situation that poverty has caused, but there are major issues within the economy which contributes to poverty. Child poverty; is a state of a child, where he or she is deprived of the necessities of living.1in 4 children suffer from poverty, within the United Kingdom, and it also affects different countries in the world. The economy in the United Kingdom is affected by the cost of £29 billion a year, which poverty imposes on society. Child poverty has increased over the years, which the research has shown. Families with children were 15% poorer, than families without children, in 1995-1996. (Child poverty action group 2000-2012). When a child is born into a family, the expenditure of that household is increased, and therefore, if a family was in poverty before the additional child, the child will then be an even greater burden to the situation. A child living in
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