Relationship Obstacles Romeo and Juliet

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Some situations in today’s world where people who are in a relationship that may come across obstacles due to different memberships of certain clubs could be that of those people belonging to different political parties, religious groups. Persons belonging to different political groups have very strong convictions on why they believe their ideas are correct or valid and that the other persons are wrong. If someone has a strong democratic conviction and their spouse or significant other is a republican, this may cause tension or hostility amongst the couple. Especially depending on the severity of the conviction. The parties involved may not be comfortable around the other’s friends in a social setting due to the difference of opinions. They may not want to bring their significant other to work events due to differences of political subject matter with their co-workers or bosses. Politics can be such a broad range of ideas between two people seeing as though there are several different types of political groupings you could pick from. This may be the same scenario of people belonging to different religious groups. Some may feel that because they don’t share or believe in the same standards or preaching that they are less significant or made to feel that way. If a woman who has grown up strictly based on a catholic faith system wants to marry a man that has grown up Lutheran. First off, what happens if the families don’t approve of each other because of this, but still those two people love each other. This would cause major tension between not only the two families, but also between the two individuals themselves. Secondly, now they need to pick which faith they are going to follow as a united pair. How do they choose that when both think their religion is best. How do you change someone’s mind about something that has been instilled into it
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